Friday, 2 September 2011

making progress

I just love this team, all of us work together closely to do whatever we can. With this type of situation we're just all hands on. We're no perfect and sometimes we fail but we work so well together. And I must say Dr Elche you have done an amazing job at keeping us together, you're a good leader. I just to fit that in somewhere.

Now, back to the amazing Shauna.... She's drowsy and lethargic that is probably the reason for her not communicating much. She has tendencies to black out and has been ignorant to her pains that she experiences. The medication given to her to ease her pains are helping too. Right now, she's taking a nap and I thought it the best time to post an update to her blog. With all the trauma her body has endured, she needs her sleep. Its important for her to rest, to gather strength but Shauna, nooo she's rebellious she doesn't want to rest, she fights her sleep more than anything else.

Today was good though, this afternoon we removed her oxygen pump and she feels so much more relieved. Dr Elche said that she's slowly gathering her strength back together with her willpower. He's arranged for Dan to come around on Monday to work with her again, 30 minutes per day for next week and they'll see how it progresses thereafter. Also next week, we may be starting her treatments up again, we cannot neglect the potential of her leukemia getting worse as it already is. Since last night, Shauna hasn't been feeling too great due to nausea creeping up on her, and with that she's been throwing up some amounts of blood which has taken away her appetite. Though I need to say that for the past two days, she had been eating quite a bit, well not really much however she has at least a plate of food everyday, unlike the days when she'll only eat certain things.

That's all from me for now, another one will come soon.

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